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In July 2020, we founded Graditude Roots Foundation, a non-profit organization run by committed volunteers. The global pandemic has brought predicament and despair to many people, and we want to infuse belief and hope in them. This is the main reason that Graditude Roots Foundations was founded as a volunteer-driven organization.


Executive Director

Jessica Hua
Emily Hua


Director, Finance & Operations

Hai Su



Our Mission

“GRADitude Roots”

High school graduates take an opportunity to show gratitude towards society.
A better change rooted in the gratitude is possible and lays a solid foundation for many lives.

Message From Directors

Our mission is to raise funds (particularly Graditude Roots Funds) by all means and then use them to provide support for school-age kids in financial hardships, aiming to promote equal educational opportunities in local communities and beyond.

Origin Of Our Name

Dear Friends,

Welcome to visit Graditude Roots Foundation! This is the right place for you to express gratitude and plant a seed of hope in our communities.

Growing up in Vancouver, we feel very lucky to be included, supported and valued in our community. We are extremely grateful for our parents, who work hard to support our talents and hobbies, and for the school, which offers the essential assistance for us to receive a high-quality education. Everything all together allows us to continuously learn and grow happily. From our personal experiences, we have learned that every little help matters. A loonie may seem minor but combined with many, can be added to hundreds. A small change can make a difference in the world. Small acts of kindness can impact lives. At Graditude Roots Foundation, a group of committed volunteers will reach young souls with the goal of fostering hope so that it grows into giant trees with the roots of gratitude.

By taking actions, we embrace a brighter future for everyone!

Warm regards,

Jessica and Emily

Our Team

Callum Airlie


Communications & External Relations

Maya Honda-Granirer

Volunteer Coordinator

Bowen Xiao


Programs & Fundraisers

David Xu
